Find all the information for your ferry from the Tremiti Islands to Termoli using the ferry booking platform. These pages show you the ferry operators that cover the routes to Termoli departing from the Tremiti Islands and related schedules, tariffs and durations.
The Tremiti Islands Termoli lines are covered exclusively by Nlg who make 9 weekly sailings available with travel times ranging bewteen 1 hour 15 minutes and 1 hour 15 minutes. mainly morning and afternoon departure times for these crossings. Ferry operators serving this line have ships suitable for vehicle transportation, so you can reach your destination with your car, motorbike or camper van. Passengers will be welcomed on board by competent and qualified crews who will show you to your accommodation and all of the services available on board.
Don't wait any longer and book your ticket now with our online booking service!
Termoli is a seaside town on Italy's Adriatic coast. It is situated in the relatively unknown region of Molise and has a population of around 32,000. Termoli is best known for fishing and the fort that completely contained the town until 1847 when the Bourbon King Ferdinand authorized building outside the city walls. The old town stands on a hill and juts out to sea like a massive pier, and this divides the harbour from the sandy beaches. The town is a popular seaside resort that mainly caters for Italian families with various restaurants and bars. While the town is a tourist hub for Italians,... [More information]