Are you planning a trip to Agios Efstratios? Book your ferry from the Aegean Islands to Agios Efstratios through our online booking service. On this website discover all routes to Agios Efstratios departing from the Aegean Islands and easily find the timetables, crossing duration and prices.
The ferry lines between Aegean Islands and Agios Efstratios are served by the maritime company Seajets who have 5 weekly sailings available with travel times ranging between 1 h 15 min and 5 h 30 min with afternoon and evening boarding. On this route you can choose between the high-speed boats provided by Seajets and the cargo capacity of the other companies, that allow you to carry your car, motorbike or camper. All ships are equipped with passenger services and cabin crew who are ready to assist you.
Book your seats right now without hesitation and we will give you all possible combinations for a dreamy holiday!
The small island of Aghios Efstratios, also known as Agiostrati, lies a few kilometers south of Limnos in the Aegean Sea. The island is a quiet place, where you can take in the atmosphere and spend a holiday on the beaches eating good food. The ancient village contains lots of treasures to discover, there are little churches, caves, chapels and ancient stone ruins to visit. The largest village on the island is located near the river near a strip of land that was excellent for growing. From the 1920s until the end of the 1960s a the island hosted political prisoners, who lived autonomously on t... [More information]